Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Taco Road Trip 2011 - Taco Stories II

When we pulled out of San Diego on the first day of the trip I was filled with no small amount of dread. We had so far to drive, and so many places to get to, that I was pretty sure we would either end up being miserable or fail miserably. The night before I had told my wife, "This is a really bad idea. We're going to do it anyway."

But the first two stops we made completely turned my attitude around. The food was so delightful that it just made me happy inside, and eager to charge forward.

The first stop, Taco Mesa, is just a great taco shop. Very funky decor, interesting things on the menu, and really good flavors. From the first sip of their great horchata I was impressed. They also had breakfast tacos, which were about the first tacos my wife has ever gotten excited about (she usually just gets a carnitas plate). It was a step off of the well worn taco shop path, in a very good way.

The second stop, Antojitos Carmen, seemed a little boring on first impression. Lots of regular taco shop fare - Quezadillas, Sopes, Huaraches, Gorditas, Enchiladas, Tostadas, Tortas, etc. But once we got the food we realized what was special about the restaurant. Other taco shops put out bland imitations of these entrees, Antojitos Carmen was serving the real thing. And there was also the special sesame salsa (yes, sesame salsa) which will require it's own post.

The third place, Taqueria Cuernavaca, a small but packed Mexican restaurant in Ventura, continued the trend. The al pastor tacos I got were simple yet perfect. That might take some explaining. Al pastor, in my understanding, is slices of marinaded pork stacked on a rotisserie, then sliced off as it chars and served with fresh pineapple. What I usually get is just pork in sauce, or missing pineapple, or drowned in spices. This was perfect. And simple. And delicious.

All dread was forgotten. This trip was fantastic. One of the best vacations I'd ever had actually. I was in taco heaven.

But...... Things went down hill for a bit after that. The next few shops were good, but not special. Oh well.

I'm not sure what the lessen was here. I think we just got lucky that the first places we tried were that wonderful. Some slight changes to the itinerary would have gotten a clunker or two in the mix.


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